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    Microsoft Security

    Detect threats 5X faster with Blumira’s advanced threat detection and response.

    Microsoft Security Challenges

    Small to mid-sized businesses and their MSPs are dealing with multiple security challenges.

    Lack of Security Visibility

    Default built-in Windows Server logging does not always provide full visibility into malicious activity across code behavior and network traffic.

    Legacy Infrastructure
    Insecure Legacy Settings

    Certain Windows and Microsoft default settings and protocols can result in broadening your attack surface unless you know how to disable or configure them securely.

    Seemless Integrations
    Logging Complexity

    The way that logs flow from Microsoft products to servers on a network isn’t always clear in their documentation, making security monitoring and log collection more difficult.

    Industry Healthcare hz-1
    Microsoft Security

    Identify & Respond to Threats

    Start identifying and responding to threats in your Microsoft environment immediately – integrate Blumira’s cloud SIEM with your Microsoft stack in a matter of hours. Our M365 Threat Response allows you to take action directly within Blumira to disable potentially compromised users, saving you time and expediting remediation.

    Setup is fast and easy for M365 using Cloud Connectors, no additional infrastructure or sensor required.

    Microsoft Integrations for Blumira:

    SIEM For Microsoft Security

    Explore what SIEM for Microsoft Security looks like.

    • Windows Logging & Security

      How to Enable Sysmon

      To increase visibility into your environment, we recommend using System Monitor (Sysmon), an add-on for Windows logging. With Sysmon, you can detect malicious activity by tracking code behavior and network traffic. You can also create detections based on the malicious activity.

    • Preconfigured Windows Policies

      Logmira for Advanced Windows Logging

      To address limited default logging capabilities in Windows, Blumira offers Logmira, a pre-built set of group policy configurations. Free for everyone to use, this download shares our security team’s recommendations for increasing Windows log visibility for threat detection. It can also help you meet compliance auditing requirements.

    • NXLog Configurations

      Flowmira for Windows Endpoint Security

      To generate data from Windows endpoints and to get greater visibility into host actions, Blumira offers Flowmira, a set of customized NXlog configurations. We recommend using NXlog for Windows log collection to help identify security risks and policy breaches, or to analyze operational problems in server, operating system, and application logs.

    How to Enable Sysmon

    To increase visibility into your environment, we recommend using System Monitor (Sysmon), an add-on for Windows logging. With Sysmon, you can detect malicious activity by tracking code behavior and network traffic. You can also create detections based on the malicious activity.

    Logmira for Advanced Windows Logging

    To address limited default logging capabilities in Windows, Blumira offers Logmira, a pre-built set of group policy configurations. Free for everyone to use, this download shares our security team’s recommendations for increasing Windows log visibility for threat detection. It can also help you meet compliance auditing requirements.

    Flowmira for Windows Endpoint Security

    To generate data from Windows endpoints and to get greater visibility into host actions, Blumira offers Flowmira, a set of customized NXlog configurations. We recommend using NXlog for Windows log collection to help identify security risks and policy breaches, or to analyze operational problems in server, operating system, and application logs.

    Industry Government hz-1
    Microsoft Best Security Practices

    Free Guides & Tests

    The Blumira security team has created best practice guides that walk you through Microsoft configurations. These guides can help your organization reduce your attack surface and security risk. They use free add-ons or tools already available in your existing Microsoft environment.

    Not all traditional SIEMs or detection solutions are able to consistently identify Windows threats. We’ve developed detection tests you can use to identify security gaps in your tool capabilities to help you better understand your risk profile.

    Microsoft Best Security Practice Guides:

    Microsoft Security Detection Tests:

    Helping IT Teams Protect Their Microsoft Environment

    Hear what our customers are saying.

    I researched a number of SIEM providers online and found most were way out-of-the-ballpark expensive, required a lot of infrastructure and didn’t provide a great return on our investment.

    Fritz Ludemann
    Information Systems Administrator The City of Crescent City

    Get Started for Free

    Experience the Blumira Free SIEM, with automated detection and response and compliance reports for 3 cloud connectors, forever.