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    November 1, 2023

    Secure Your Distributed Workforce with Ease

    The World of Work is Changing

    Here at Blumira, one of our primary goals is to continuously help organizations of all sizes improve their overall security coverage. We provide ongoing expertise as a trusted security advisor. For this reason, we regularly interview and survey customers to learn more about their needs and goals. In 2023, we learned a lot from this outreach about how work is changing.

    First, we asked organizations what percentage of their employees work remotely. In nearly 100 responses, we discovered that 88% have remote workers and 43% still have a majority working from home. On the other hand, only 12% were fully on-premises.

    Though the tumultuous events of 2020 are now in the rearview mirror, many organizations still offer hybrid or fully remote work. This strategy seems here to stay.

    From a security standpoint, this increases the difficulty of maintaining visibility and security. Organizations must now monitor and protect remote workers in addition to those on-site.

    Work Modes are Changing

    For decades, Microsoft products have been the technology backbone for most organizations. While Microsoft remains dominant, we asked survey respondents about their use of non-Microsoft technologies.

    At Blumira, our detection and response platform enables organizations to resolve threats faster to stop ransomware and prevent breaches. We continuously write new detections to address emerging threats. With this context, we asked customers about interest in offering Linux and Mac detections.

    Surprisingly, 74% expressed moderate to high interest in Linux detections, and 53% for Mac. Though Windows leads in many organizations, many also need coverage in other environments as some staff use Linux and Mac devices.

    Is the work mode changing rapidly regarding operating systems? Probably not, but it is clear that for many businesses to maintain a healthy security posture at a widespread level, their security tools need to be able to support multiple systems.

    What Organizations Need in Security Tools

    With remote work and diverse devices, many organizations struggle to meet security needs. Most lack internal security teams, and even if someone handles security, they often have other responsibilities. With many options, what do organizations want in security tools?

    We asked customers what differentiated our product from others they considered. The most important aspects were: 83% mentioned “Ease of Use,” 71% listed “Cost,” and 58% selected “Onboarding / Support.”

    For many organizations, security must be easy, affordable, and supported by a helpful team.

    Final Reflections

    I was the first full time employee at a start-up company. In start-up life, many aspects of an organization grow over time as the business grows. Likewise, many small and medium-sized organizations often start their security journey due to compliance needs. Their security expertise may be limited at that stage, and finding the right solution can be overwhelming.

    Blumira provides a tailored solution for these organizations. We understand the challenges in finding good security, so we’re always available to help however we can. Although work is changing, with the right partner, organizations of all sizes can achieve strong security with ease. We’re happy to chat to understand your needs and see if we’re a fit.

    Onward in your search, and remember that with the right tools, you can secure your distributed workforce with ease!


    For a reveal of our new and upcoming product updates, watch this on-demand webinar where I and Blumira CEO Jim Simpson  discuss our new Executive Summaries, Blumira Agent Updates, NIST & ISO Reports.


    Brett Bzdafka

    Brett Bzdafka, Principal Product Manager of Blumira, has had over 10 years of experience in SaaS start-ups that serve SMBs. With background in direct sales, channel sales, project management, product ownership, and product management, Brett knows what it takes for a team to deliver exceptional products to target users...

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