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Customer Story: National Machinery Detection & Response Case Study

Written by Thu Pham | Mar 10, 2020 1:42:00 AM
Industry Driver Company Size
Manufacturing IP Protection 650+


As the leading manufacturer of cold-forming technology, keeping intellectual property (IP) and customer data secure is paramount.


Blumira reviews security logs while providing actionable alerts to National Machinery’s IT group, allowing them to focus internal efforts on supporting the company’s core business

We want a partner in our security system, not just a service…somebody that we can rely on for any security issues. Blumira is our trusted advisor.

Dan Kontak
IT Director

Forming a Plan to Protect Intellectual Property

National Machinery, LLC, designs, develops and manufactures machinery for high-speed metal parts forming. National Machinery’s forming machines are used in the motor vehicle, appliance, bearing and aerospace industries.

A seven-person IT staff supports the company’s 650 employees across ten global locations, including facilities in the US, Germany, Japan, China and Brazil.

The Challenge

As the leading manufacturer of cold forming technology, powered by innovative engineering design for both the machines and the tooling used in the machines, intellectual property (IP) is National Machinery’s most valuable asset. Keeping its IP and customer data secure is paramount.

For companies operating in China, intellectual property theft is a critical concern. A 2017 report from the Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property in Washington, D.C., estimates that stolen trade secrets, pirated software, and counterfeiting cost the United States between $225 billion and $600 billion per year.

Historically, the IP theft of trade secrets and innovation was human enabled. Now most of it takes place in cyberspace.

According to Dan Kontak, National Machinery’s IT Director, “We needed a security partner that could support our global operations, which means managing firewalls in other countries.”

The Solution

For National Machinery, protecting the company’s competitive advantage is key to long-term business viability. With tens of thousands of attempts to breach their firewall each day, National Machinery decided to rely on Blumira for security expertise to keep its IP safe from cyber thieves.

“We’ve always looked for external expertise to manage our security. Not just a company, but a partner,” says Kontak. “They suggest ways to improve our security. I know that it’s constantly being evaluated.”

Blumira’s modern cloud SIEM platform reviews and retains security logs while providing timely and actionable alerts to the National Machinery’s IT group. Even with a lean team, National Machinery now focuses its internal technology efforts on supporting the company’s business processes, like its networking infrastructure and enterprise resource planning system (ERP).

Looking Forward

Dan Kontak cites time savings and avoiding alert fatigue as major advantages of working with Blumira. “We get at least 100 messages a day from our antimalware software. It’s not possible to deal with it and get your job done. Now, we just ship the logs right to Blumira. They correlate that data with logs from our other devices and outside threat intelligence to analyze the threat levels and advise us on proper responses.”

“It’s freed up time and worry,” says Kontak. “When I go to bed at night, I’m not wondering who’s not watching the firewall.”

Additional Resources

Firewall, Endpoint, Cloud SIEM Integrations

Blumira’s modern SIEM integrates with many commonly-used firewalls, identity providers, endpoint detection solutions, cloud infrastructure providers and more. We analyze your logs, correlate the data and provide actionable insights and automated remediation.

The Modern SIEM Evaluation Guide

Learn more about how to choose a SIEM that quickly detects and responds to threats – without significant overhead or a fully staffed security team.