Blumira Resources & Blog

How To Mitigate The Latest Windows Vulnerabilities

Written by Erica Mixon | Nov 23, 2021 3:36:29 PM

This year, Thanksgiving prep for admins means securing your Windows environment before signing off to bake pies and buy a turkey.

Dealing with yet another Microsoft vulnerability before a holiday is frustrating, but there are ways to mitigate your risk.

In fact, two separate vulnerabilities will affect Windows environments: 

  • A newly-discovered privilege escalation vulnerability affects all supported client and server versions of Windows, including Windows 10, Windows 11 and Windows Server — even with the latest patches.
  • An exploit (CVE-2021-42321) was also released for a Microsoft Exchange remote code execution (RCE) bug that affects on-premises Exchange Server 2016 and Exchange Server 2019. 

Join Blumira’s Matthew Warner, CTO and Co-Founder to get your questions answered about these vulnerabilities. 

In just 30 minutes, you’ll learn:

  • A breakdown of these Windows vulnerabilities, along with any updates
  • Sysmon and Windows logs to look out for to mitigate your risk 
  • Best practices to keep your environment protected from zero-day vulnerabilities

This interactive, conversational-style session encourages questions and engagement with viewers – so sign up today for access to our security experts.


Matt Warner, CTO and Co-Founder, Blumira

Matt has over 10 years of experience in IT and development, focusing on business strategy, development, compliance, threat detection and penetration testing. Previously, he was Director of Security Services, Development & Security at NetWorks Group, responsible for defensive information security and services.