Welcome to our weekly security detection and report update. Our Incident Detection Engineering (IDE) Team is constantly hard at work. Creating, testing, and writing detections for you! This week, we've made several important updates to improve your security posture and enhance the functionality of our detections. As you might know, monthly, we also release an overview of the entirety of what was changed in the product. However in these updates we'll focus on the net new content that IDE provides on an ongoing basis, musings from our team, and maybe the occasional horoscope if you're lucky.
Introduction and Overview
This week we spent working on beta testing some new threat feeds, and also detecting ransomware based on powershell module commands.
New Detections
This update introduces:
Generic Locker PowerShell Module
The script was reported by The DFIR Report as being a multi-purpose tool to conduct various tasks including discovery, defense evasion, exfiltration, lateral movement, and execute ransomware using a custom PowerShell module. The ransomware variants observed in the script included Dagon Locker, Quantum, Revil, and Xing. An example of the malicious PowerShell locker module used by this script is provided below, the number and type of flags passed to the module may vary but at a minimum the module will require the name, path, and type of ransomware locker to be defined:
invokemodule -module locker -locker malicious.dll -lockerpath programdata\microsoft -lockertype dll -lockername sysfunc -lockerdeployonly $true -lockerentrypoint run -handlesystems custom
- Status: Enabled
- Log type requirement: Windows or Blumira Agent
- More Information: From IcedID to Dagon Locker Ransomware in 29 Days
Amanda Berlin
Amanda Berlin is the Senior Product Manager of Cybersecurity at Blumira, bringing nearly two decades of experience to her position. At Blumira she leads a team of incident detection engineers who are responsible for creating new detections based on threat intelligence and research for the Blumira platform. An...
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